What the heck is APEXD?

APEX /ˈāpeks/

Verb: in motor racing, taking a turn at optimal speed and angle, such that you maximize your position and velocity going into the next corner.


Racers who master Apexing win races, because they take the shortest, most efficient route on a racetrack at maximum speed while working with the feel and feedback from their car.


So if you APEXD a corner, you nailed the execution perfectly.

Colin Chapman, Far Left, Founder of Lotus

a little history...

Colin Chapman of Lotus believed that in addition to perfect apexs, you needed a reliable and predictable racecar. His mantra to building race winning steeds was Simplify, then add lightness.


His design philosophy focused on cars with light weight and fine handling instead of bulking up on horsepower and spring rates, which he famously summarised as "Adding power makes you faster on the straights. Subtracting weight makes you faster everywhere."


Under his direction, Team Lotus won seven Formula One Constructors' titles, six Drivers' Championships, and the Indianapolis 500 in the United States, between 1962 and 1978.

–quoted from wikipedia

WHY this matters...

I founded Apexd by Design on Colin's racing principles, because I've seen them work over and over again in business. Just like a racecar, your business is a machine that doesn't respond well to sudden changes, and it's reliability is tied to the complexity of your processes.


By simplifying, then adding lightness through Brand Experience Strategy, you struggle less and grow faster, increasing your bottom line and increasing your customer fanbase.


It's proactively staying ahead of the trends, instead of perpetually reacting to the twists, turns, and changes of marketing tool fads and competition.

It's building a solid, reliable engine of customer loyalty, referrals and reputation so you can relax and enjoy the ride.


It's about designing your success at
every turn.

In my free time I restore vintage Fiats, drive sportscars, collect beautiful design,
train in marksmanship sports, teach sewing lessons, volunteer for the Cat Care Society, read (a lot), knit, sew, paint, rollerblade, and play chess, tabletop, card and role playing games.


I own two Bertone X 1/9's (1985 & 86), a 1975 Fiat 124 Spider with Abarth conversion,
 and an '81 Toyota 4x4. I do most of my own mechanic work.

I'm claimed by a furry clan of cats, and one software engineer named Logan.

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